Wednesday, May 30, 2012

30th May is...

Anyway thanks for you all and I'm failed again.

... not a good day.

Wednesday, May 23, 2012

Yes. Okay.

Mm... I'm dreaming of...
I'm wearing smart smart to work
And carrying a briefcase
And ..... feel happy with the job.

I really know what I want.
Could you give me the chance to make it true?? Pls. If others can succeed, so I can!!!

Pray hard hard for Yew.
Gonna practise the new song named wonderw wall and sleep then.

Wednesday, May 16, 2012

Yesterday 10pm [supper]

Yea!!! It was pretty good. =)
Yesterday kept NG. Arrrrr....
I felt so embarrassing. Aiya?! It shouldn't be happened!!! Haha...

I love my artwork and the book.

I'm not greedy.
I hope the time goes by slowly.
And my dream comes true.

Bless bless for Yew.